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Fish Passage Conference 2015, ¡¡¡¡¡¡ya os podéis registrar y consultar información de interés!!!!!!

Os copio aquí un mensaje de la organización de esta interesante conferencia. Para todos aquellos preocupados e interesados por la conservación de los peces y la conectividad fluvial… Por primera vez se celebra en Europa. Hay que aprovechar…

«The registration and call for abstracts for the Fish Passage Conference 2015 (June 22-24, 2015) is officially OPEN!

Don’t miss your chance, go visit our site and upload your abstracts, propose sessions and register for the conference, the excursions and/or one of the special courses.

This conference is the 5th installment in this conference series, but will be held for the first time in Europe, in the city of Groningen, The Netherlands. We already have over 20 sponsors at various levels and are expecting hundreds of researchers, educators, practitioners, funders and regulators from across the globe to take part in this exciting international conference.

The organization is arranging the attendance of a number of high-level representatives from government and special guests and will have the honor to welcome the Dutch Minister of Infrastructure and the Environment, Ms Schultz van Haegen-Maas Geesteranus, who will be officially opening the FP2015 conference.

Furthermore, we are busy developing an impressive program with top experts in dam removal, fish passage, river restoration, ecohydraulics, biology and much more. The program will also include excellent opportunities to network with experts and specialists.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the Fish Passage conference 2015! We sincerely hope to see you in Groningen and wish you many interesting, informative, and special moments during your stay.

Visit for more information and check out our new poster (attached). Feel free to print your poster, hang it up, spread it around and help us create a buzz. For more communication material (logos, banners etc.) click here.

Please note important dates and deadlines. If you have any questions, please send an email to

Fish Passage 2015 announcement poster

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